While awaiting the arrival of his new chariot, Worldwide Pablo has been preparing to part with his trusty Toyota of nine years. Like all the kids are doing these days, WWP ventured over to Craigslist to put the Camry up for sale. He typed up all the features, uploaded the pictures and punched all the buttons Craig requires. WWP finally got to the last step, that phase asking users to enter some random letters, or in this case, random words, in order prove one's not a spammer or a bot.
The resulting screen “captcha” was startling, to say the least.
Too bad this guy is no longer in the market for a good pre-owned automobile.
[Interested in a decent used Camry? See the ad here.]
Update: Sold! Gotta love that Craigslist: 12 responses in the first 24 hours, and the first one paid full price. Cash.
Have any idea how difficult it is to count $4K in 20's and 50's? Thank goodness the bank has a machine to do that...
Posted by: Worldwide Pablo | Wednesday, July 02, 2008 at 09:17 PM